Tuesday, August 12, 2008

13. New (Room) Beginnings

Ok, this will be a short one before my next blog which will be about an entirely different subject! Anywho! I have decided to rearrange my room slightly. I want to make the room feel more spacious with what little space I have (I was able to successfully do that out in Arizona with a room smaller than the one I have! I had such a better vibe from redoing that room!) and besides... it just need to be cleaned out alittle bit.

This is what I plan on doing:

1) Cleaning my closet and putting everything into boxes since I barely use anything in there and the fact that most of what is in there is clothes and old toys. Putting everything into bigger boxes will help reduce space instead of having everything in small boxes or in new at all.

2) Moving my dresser into the closet. It will still be used for clothes, but just not the clothes I wear all the time that will be used for the other dresser I have. The other dresser has a big open space where I have my TV and I use it's two drawers for video games.

3) New plastic drawers for those video games. Brought it from the apartments I work at; has three spots that can hold all of my games and it is small, which will hopefully make the room feel more spacious.

4) Clean underneath the bed and the futon, of course! There will definitely be a garbage bag or two with unwanted junk.

5) Rescrew the computer desk. The desk came from the apartments as well, it's slightly wobbly because everything is not exactly screwed in. Once that happens, I believe the desk will be used more... well once the printer gets some proper ink, it will.

6) The Canada flag will be tacked back onto the wall, some people remember it being there and wonder why it's not there. I believe I took it down when I painted the room blue, but I just haven't put it back up.

What do you guys think?


Jessica said...

YOUR room doesn't sound as small as MY room. Sounds like you've been watching "Mission: Organization", but I could be wrong. Cleaning is good...that reminds me...

Allie said...

This actually sounds pretty cool. Before we moved to our new house (Jessica remembers my old house), I had a pretty small room. I found if I moved my bed around, I could have more room. And your room doesn't sound THAT small if you have a bed and futon and a tv in there. :)

Chris said...

It's a bigger room than what I had, but its still not big compared to some of my friends. My room out in Arizona was only 10x11.

And NO, I wasn't watching that show, lol.

Seriously, I don't even know what it is!

Jessica said...

It comes on TLC or something, and my mom used to make us watch it a couple years ago. My room is 10x11 now. But Allison's current closet is, like, three quarters the size of my bedroom.

Chris said...

At the moment I have moved my dresser into my closet and strengthened the computer desk. Today I bought a white board calendar after buying my books at Wake Tech.