Tuesday, January 20, 2009

36. My Personal Beliefs

I just had to do this for my World Religions class, so I will apologize in advance for the length of the post. I numbered the paragraphs for easier reading and understanding.

Here are the questions I had to answer. Each paragrapgh is one number:

1. What is reality? How can you prove that something is real? What is truth? How is a religious truth different from a scientific truth.
2. Do you believe there are "beings" or a "higher being" "greater" than humans? Briefly explain.
3. Where do you think the world comes from? Where do you believe humans come from?
4. Are humans inherently good or bad and why?
5. What do you think is eventually going to happen to the world?
6. What do you think happens to people after they die?
7. How should people behave and why? What should guide people's sense of how they "ought" to behave?
8. Describe your attitude towards those who believe differently than you do. If you consider yourself to belong to a particular religion, describe how that religion responds to individuals of other faiths. Do you have any friends or acquaintances of a different faith?

1. To me, reality is what we see in the world all the time, what happens to us and others, and the overall experience one has during their life that can either hinder or prosper one’s self. I am one for science because there is a realm within the sciences where everything is falsifiable because everybody knows that what has been physically presented to us can be proved or disproved through experiments and equations. We jump and land quickly back on Earth because of gravity and that if you crash your car, unless wearing a seatbelt, you will be flying out the windshield at the same speed the car was going prior to crashing. Those are pure truths because there is not “it happens because it just does” or “(insert higher power here) is the reason” as an explanation. A truth is a statement that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and a scientific truth is what we call scientific laws such as the laws of gravity and inertia. A religious truth is very different from a scientific truth because it all depends on how much you cling to what has been said in the Bible and what you think is real or not and many are not falsifiable and therefore can not be said as truth.

2. I believe there this is a very high possibility of other beings that live somewhere else other than Earth. I’m not saying that I think that Area 51 has UFO ships within its complex, I’m saying that because we haven’t been able to explore all of space to determine whether or not there are other signs of life (intelligent or otherwise) to answer that question. As for a “higher being,” I put that belief into doubt, but not saying if I actually believe that there is a higher power or not. In a reality setting, if a person came up face to face with an animal being like a bear, which one is the higher being in the truest sense? The bear would be seen as higher because it does not need a weapon to take out what is threatening their area. Will people agree with that? Of course not, I have had that discussion before about whether or not humans were indeed animals, which we are or else the bear would not eat us. As for being greater than a human, well sure if there is a God and every coincidence is God’s work, but we would not know if there is a being greater than a human until we have had that intervention.

3. We still do not know how Earth, let the entire universe happened exactly, but I am open to all explanation that can hold their ground in theory. We have these debates about whether or not to teach Creationism in public schools, but because religion is not aloud to be taught at a public school during school hours, it can only be an after hours class or at least a non-credit class during the school day much like how seminary works for Mormon students in Arizona (I use to live in Arizona so I know all about that particular subject). As long as there are religious schools, there should be no need to teach Creationism in public schools. The downturn about religious schools is that they are all private schools which require money out of one’s pocket for their child to be admitted instead of setting up a religious public magnet school. Speaking of Creationism, I do not believe that God created all the animals and that the Earth has only been around for a relatively short time instead of a couple billion years. Us humans developed from other animals, more specifically from our primate brethren. As mentioned before, the theory of evolution is falsifiable but so far has not be disproved. Humans ourselves vary from region to region like all the other animals and we are destined to evolve sometime in the future.

4. It is hard to explain if we inherently good or bad because every human has a different story to tell and we can go from a good parent to a terrible child and vice versa. Did we inherit good or bad from the species before us? Probably so because the DNA that is in every single living and formerly living creature determines or behaviors and notions towards the reality in front of us. Of course its not just heredity that makes us the way we our, we also learn from others either from being told or just by observation which determines what we see as good or bad.

5. Many things can happen to the world. For one thing, the threat of nuclear war is always present and with the amount of nuclear weapons we have, we could destroy existence on this world as we know it. Albert Einstein said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." I believe that could happen if we do not end up destroying humanity as previously stated. Another possibility is Global Warming. We might not think that Global Warming is going to change the world, but we have done so much to the atmosphere that in due time (whether we are still living when it happens) we will end up being like Venus or another version of the humble oxygen-lacking beginners of Earth. It has been predicted that the Earth will be destroyed in about 5 billion years because of how close we are to the Sun. The Sun has a set life span which will eventually run out and end up exploding, swallowing and destroying the nearest planets. If we end up not having a nuclear epidemic or Global Warming, that is what will happen. We have seen so many times people thinking that a religious Armageddon was going to happen and so far we are still alive.

6. I have considered myself Agnostic for quite sometime (even though it can be seen as Atheist from what has been said) and do not really know what to say about what happens when we die. I do not want to tell myself that when we die, that’s it, nothing else because I want to think that our soul continues on into some sort of after life, maybe even reincarnation. This is where I can not draw a line for an opinion. The thought of an afterlife is extremely appealing to me, but the thought of just waiting while living in order to reap the benefits of Heaven is not. I know that as long as we accept Jesus and God as our leader and repent our sins we will be let into heaven and that’s how it should be. I’m not saying we should all be hedonistic pigs and when asked to repent to do so just like that, I’m saying we should enjoy our life and when its over and there is a Heaven, I can let whomever it is know that I will repent and accept whomever is in charge as my leader because I wanted to question and figure out things without being told someone else’s interpretations.

7. We can not be the one’s that determine how others are to behave, but if that was the case then everybody should have their own set of guidelines and boundaries when it comes to what or what not to do. I myself am not religious, but I have my own boundaries that I set where I do not do certain things because I know it’s not right because of reasons and not because I have been told no without any reason why it is wrong. People are taught how they are “ought” to behave either from parents, teachers, peers, or religious verses. We can not change or determine how a person will act because there will always be criminals and others that are seen as “immoral.”

8. My attitude towards others that believe differently than me is a pretty warm attitude. I have plenty of friends who are highly religious and I respect their views. I treat them the same way they do to me and we respect each other’s views because we understand each other’s background. Unfortunately, my view on religion is in a slighted way because of the people that do press their beliefs onto other people or use it to explain all their answers (what I mean is people that use Bible verses for answers instead of actually answering the question). I have a few friends of the Islamic faith and the same can be said for them as with my friends who are highly religious with their Christian faith. I do not consider myself as part of a faith. I was baptized in the United Church of Canada, but other than that, I can count the amount of times I have been to a church for a service with one hand. To sum up a song by Rush called “Faithless,” the chorus talks about one not having faith in faith nor belief in beliefs, but they believe in love and that is faith enough for them. I believe that is true and that one can have faith without having religion because we can all believe in ourselves without a “higher power.” But it can be nice to know you have someone or something there that will protect you and give you a leg up when down.

Again, I apologize for the length. And if you comment, please do not use scripture because the assignment specifically said no scripture or stuff of that ilk so lets treat it like that.


Jessica said...

"I believe that is true and that one can have faith without having religion..."

I think that this is true. Personally I am not all for religions. I prefer "belief systems." My own belief system VERY closely resembles Christianity so I usually call myself a Christian to not make it complicated. But there are so many beliefs in the denominations of Christianity, which all become stupid disagreements boiling down to pride. I don't think specifically like a presbyterian or a baptist or whatever. I have my own belief system regarding Christianity which I pull from my interpretation of the Bible itself, not somebody else's (that doesn't mean that I am not going to listen to what other people say, as there are many wise people in the world).

I will not quote from scripture per your request, and I wasn't planning to either as I know that it is meaningless to do so to someone who does not live by the Bible (I do forget sometimes, as I am sure you know). Usually when I do quote scripture it is to other believers or to whomever in an effort to show what I myself believe and one of the reasons why I believe it. However, I have a book recommendation for you. C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity. I am reading it currently and I am serious....it is not as scary as it sounds. I expected it to be filled with weird doctrine about who-knows-what, but it is actually one of the most logically written books I have ever read. It is addressed to Atheists and is not trying to convert anyone. If you like theology or philosophy you will really like it (and he barely quotes scripture).

Chris said...

Yeah, that's cool. Might have to give that book a look at while trying to read the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche. Like I said though, the reason I put don't answer in scripture is because that was what we were told not to do in our paper.

Andrew D.Z. said...


for my answers.

Andrew D.Z. said...

I don't use any sources. Not bibles, no textbooks, no books about the bible. Nadda.

Lizzie said...

"I’m saying we should enjoy our life and when its over and there is a Heaven, I can let whomever it is know that I will repent and accept whomever is in charge as my leader because I wanted to question and figure out things without being told someone else’s interpretations."

It's hard for me to answer this without using the Bible, because all my reasons are based in the Bible. So all I can do is state that that is not how it works. Once you die, it's too late. You can't live your life however you want to and then say that once you've been proved that there is a heaven and there is a God, "Okay, God, I believe now, and I just wanted to question everything for myself and not listen to other people's interpretations." He gives everyone many, many chances in this life, and reveals Himself to everyone, but once you die you don't have any more chances. You are judged on this life.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "leader" but He is NOT our leader, He is our Lord. That is a place of much more power. We don't merely follow him and consider His suggestions; we do whatever He tells us to. And it's not because I'm a slave, but because He loved ME enough to die for me, even when I was still an awful person, and when I didn't love Him at all in return. He gave His life for me, and I am willing to give my life for Him. And why shouldn't I be willing to give Him my life, when this life is so much shorter than the eternal life He has given me in heaven?

Chris said...

If he is not your leader, then why do you follow?

I'm not trying to say that as some kind of an attack at all, just a question for thought.

Lizzie said...

In retrospect, I see I phrased that wrong. He is our leader, but what I meant to say is that calling Him our "leader" seems to lower His place, because He is so much more than just a leader. I hope that makes more sense. I'm not very good at expressing what I mean to say. :/