Monday, October 27, 2008

21. Thank God For TV...

...because you are making me realize how stupid we have become as a society!

The more I have too much time on my hands, such as today when I don't have school, the more I realize how much less entertaining today's shows are. Now, for me to say this is entirely opinion because I am talking about when I happen to stop on a channel for a minute and see what show is on rather than watch the show in it's entirety (it's too painful to!).

I have a lot of gripes when it comes to this couch potato society that I am sadly apart of because there isn't anything to do at home because everybody is either working or in school. But anyways, there are somethings I would love to get rid of and here is the list:

Those Instinct phone commercials!- I am so sick about seeing this commercial and its brain dead theme. Sell a phone, not a pretend type of movie that intimidates a CW show. I especially hate how they have the audacity to compare love with free text messenger, I mean, seriously!

Viva Viagra commercials- I think most Americans wouldn't want to shout to the hills that they can keep it up again without dysfunctions, so why rip off such a great song made famous by Elvis to sing about a damn erection pill!

The new Burger King commercial- You know, the one that imitates Simon and Garfunkel in a sense with the one guy looking alittle bit like Napolean Dynomite. It's not funny and it makes me want to go to Wendy's instead...

That stupid Rock Band reality show on VH1 Classic- if we couldn't get any lower! I remember when VH1 had a competition called House Wars and it was a game show in which three respective house bands were judge on which band could do the best covers, but now we have this lame show to pick the ultimate "rock band" and I am talking about that crappy music simulator where some people take pride in pressing the right button combination instead of actually learning how to play the real instrument!

With that said, it's gotten too much nowadays, I could keep going on with many of the reality TV shows, but they are all the same: let's get a bunch of characters that look good and will probably be volatile and lets put them at some location and film them 24/7. We get it already!

This crap is making lean towards the old child times we had when we watched cartoons in the morning, cartoons around dinner time and before bed with being outside and hanging out with friends in between that. I feel like we are just lowering ourselves too much and it's almost Zombie like. I have a good book to recommend from the 50's that almost hits it spot on about today! It's called Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, check it out at a library and see for yourself!

We are relying too much on substitute materials when we should actually be able to do the actually activity instead! I just need to get that metal band together and I will be fine, I already play ice hockey so I get my exercise there, plus I am wanted to do other things that get me away from the idiot box and it's offshoot: the computer.

And to Sarah Palin: We are becoming more obese every day so stop calling fellow Americans Joe Six Pack you stupid twit! They are too busy watching TV to work out!


Jessica said...

Have you seen that new show on MTV...the one where Paris Hilton is trying to find a new best friend and everyone is competing for that position like in America's Next Top Model? It's insanely stupid...but I couldn't go to sleep and was feeling brain dead...

Well, my way of thinking is that if there's nothing good on TV, read a book. Even if no books are written today on an intellectual level, at least you have access to books written in a day when people thought. Try "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens or something. I'm not done with it yet, but there's a possibility you might actually like it. ;)

Chris said...

I saw a glimpse of that show! I couldn't believe it, it's such a dumb show. Why anybody would want be her friend is beyond me...

Jessica said...

Me too! And they were all so passionate about it...and the things they said, like, "I could be Paris' friend...I'm SO ready for that life!" As if they were becoming a missionary in China or something...

Chris said...

I hate gold diggers, I really do!