Wednesday, November 5, 2008

22. A Nice Argument

Open up and say Ahhh! It feels great to be alive today, the world makes a ton more sense than at did the past eight years. I wish I could have voted for Obama, but I would need to have my green card changed to a U.S. Citizenship in order to do that. The amazing part is that I didn't realize how many of my friends are republican or voted for republicans and I can only really count a handful of friends who are Democrats like moi. The downside of this election is that I notice a lot of ignorance and stupidity from my friends because the outcome, not all them, just the ones that are saying they are going to another country and they were probably the ones calling us lefty's cowards for the same thing if Bush was re-elected!

Anyways, I had a text message conversation with my friend Lydia who didn't take lightly the OBAMA!!! message I sent her (yes, I understand, duh), but she took it too hard and kinda hurt my feelings by calling me a baby killer because that was the big reason she voted for McCain because he was against abortions. So here is the conversation (I'll start a couple texts in where the argument actually started):

Lydia- Baby Killer
Chris- Aw, he'll leave that to the states.
Lydia- Psh. See where that will get him.
Chris- We'll see what he will do in the White House. We have to remain optimistic
Lydia- Psh he already said what he was going to do. It's sad.
Chris- Are you that concern about that particular subject?
Lydia- Yup.
Chris- So you are for taking a right of your own sex away?
Lydia- Since when is murdering a right?
Lydia- You can protect yourself beforehand but after the baby's there it's a life.
Chris- Lydia, you eat eggs for breakfast, right?
Lydia- And steak for dinner, but that's not a human.
Chris- Humans are animals too, some people are too protective of our species. I know a bear wouldn't care if we were human, we're meat to them.
Lydia- Just go to YouTube and look up the kinds of abortion he supports. It's sick.
Lydia- Haha, I don't think you even mean that? Human life is an invaluable thing. We are not meat. Plus bears eat humans for food. We kill babies cause we're selfish and stupid.
Chris- We might be the animal that talks and builds massive structures, but we are the first part the most and that is animals.
Lydia- Do animals have abortion Chris?
Chris- They do result to eating their young, it's about the same. We kill baby chicks while in the egg so we can feast on the yolk that was an aborted chicken.
Lydia- We're not chickens. Or animals. We're effing humans.
Chris- We are animals, we eat, breathe, swim, mate, and kill like other animals. We wouldn't be in the animal kingdom if we weren't.
Lydia- So you and your set goldfish have the same value?
Chris- Yes, and goldfish don't have a 3 second memory, it's been proven.
Lydia- Wow... special.
Chris- In fact, we are the only animal that purposely harms our own bodies with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and obesity. Which would lower ourselves in reality.
Lydia- That's cause we're stupid.
Chris- And therefore no different from animals.
Lydia- Wrong.
Chris- Right. Haha. Can we end the argument? We have basically covered every thing.

I just notice while typing the whole conversation up that Lydia said we are not meat, but she says that bears see us as food, which means we are meat. Makes me wonder if she means that we are something like cheese or a piece of metal or wood...

We are no different from animals, we are the most complex of all the animals, but we are apart of the food chain like the rest of them.

I said this the last time when I had the other abortion blog, don't criticise me for my view, just try and understand that what I said makes sense and that you don't have to agree with it. I'm not saying I am right and you are wrong, I am saying this is what I believe and unless you can give a constructive response against it, do not comment.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This is not arguing...I'm just clarifying what I think: It's like I said last night. I love animals and all, but humans ARE created in the image of God. And God gave us permission to kill other animals for food, but he said to not murder other humans. But since you don't believe in the Bible, you cannot really agree with that. I mean, it's still up to the State much more than the President anyways, and regardless, women ARE going to make their own choice whether to abort or not. I cannot stop them. It all depends on each person's personal convictions. I just wouldn't do it and hope nobody would.

Everyone thinks that the new President will make things better than the last one, but in reality nothing will really get better. It may or may not get worse, but politics and politicians are mostly all corrupt anyways, so there really isn't much of a difference who gets in the White House. I hope Obama tries to change this nation for good, but there is a big possibility it could get much, much worse. But the same goes for McCain. I'm not Republican and not Democrat. I consider myself a Libertarian, because they're the only people I really can agree with. However, for some dumb reason they aren't that popular.

And for the record, I've been considering leaving the country for a while now. I don't consider it cowardly for anyone to do so...I consider it wise because I think it's a good move to get out of all the mess America has become. But I don't think I would go to another country (unless it was New Zealand). I would just go find a deserted island and start my own colony. :)