Saturday, December 13, 2008

27. Can Someone Help Me Find My Eustress?

[song]It's the most distressful time of the year...[/song]

It's a play on that Christmas song if you haven't noticed and it represents my current state because it seems unlike everybody else, I am not done with my exams, not anywhere close! While people are coming home for the holidays and relaxing, I have only one, one, exam done and three to go. Plus I have a paper due by Wednesday for my biology class before I take the final in there. I have been slaving all day today getting notes down and what not for my US History II class so I can be well prepared to take my exam on Monday and have only slightly started on my biology paper. I guess I will study some of my bio notes tonight before bed and call it a night.

I actually think this is the first time I have crammed (that's not a good thing) for finals.

Plus, it puts me in a bad mood at certain times during the day because everybody else is celebrating being at home or knows their grades for the semester while I have to spend long hours writing, typing, or reading. The worst part is that I haven't even gone Christmas shopping yet! I would like to get some of that gone and done with but because of these stupid exams I can't afford the time to go out.

When the 17th comes around, I will be able to take my third exam at seven in the morning and my fourth and final exam at six-thirty at night. It will be a pain in the ass but worth the aggravation. I can't wait for these bloody finals to be over!

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