Sunday, May 18, 2008

6. Small Random News

Ok, just slightly bummed out that Canada blew a 4-2 lead and lost in overtime to Russia at the IIHF World Championships, but the host country has not won since the Soviet Union when they won in Moscow in 1986, so oh well.


Despite that Carlos Mencia does the same type of comedy all the time, his special tonight was absolutely hillarious! I agree with one thing: Vegetarians are hypocrites, they do eat living organisms, except I eat ones that prevent its waste products from harming the atmosphere and you eat the ones that their waste product is oxygen!


Lets take a look at the news:

ABCNews- US Soldier Removed from Iraq for Shooting at Quran- Wow, talk about not respecting another one's culture. This guy and a small population like him give the Armed Forces a black eye. I remember a classmate in my US History class told us that one of her "friends" was in his tank and got impatient and rolled over a whole family in their car, It's a sad sad world we live in.

BBC- China declares national mourning- Makes me sick, honestly. For you that think I have no heart, hear this: Tibet. Yes its very sad that the earthquake has killed so many, but the government is only doing this to try and brighten their image when they honestly don't care about their people, just look at how many Tibetans they have killed.

CBC- PM to official apologize for native school abuse next month- Well they should since this went on for about 100 years until 1970, I believe Canada is from one of the indigenous languages, so Stephen Harper better make it a good one!


And here is a question for you guys!:
What do you consider moral?
This question does not pertain to the news articles, its what do you think is moral in your eyes?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I believe morals are what, when someone is in a situation, they feel is right to do. Not necessarily that it is RIGHT to kill somebody, though. They may have to anyways, even though it is against their morals to kill anybody on purpose, if that makes any sense.

As a Christian (not to get all preachy, but this is just what I think), we usually go by what it says in the Bible to do. That sounds kind of silly to read, but most of the things God says to do make lots of sense and should be common sense. The ten commandments are a pretty good set of morals to live by.

Some people don't seem to have morals. They will just sleep around, cheat, be outrageously mean to other people, steal, kill, or anything else they think will make them happy or get them to the top. Maybe they had morals at one point...doesn't everyone? But they either consciously or unconsciously abandoned them a long time ago...

Maybe morals are what you believe is right, either for yourself or the good of those around you, or hopefully both. It's very hard to define what morals actually are. The government is supposedly a civilized people, yet look what they do every day. Politics is a mess.

I don't know, I need to gather my thoughts. Until then, I'll turn the question back on you. But now I've just realized the question was what I consider moral, not what I consider are morals. You know, I'm gonna go blog about that right now.